Getting Young People and Young Adults Included and Engaged in the Cultural and Creative Sectors
Direct target group
The direct target group is adults working with facilitation of post Covid-19 Culture and Creative Sectors (CCS) development: educators and other personnel, who support adult learners and young people.
It can be a very diversified target group – ranging from:
- Youth education teachers
- NGO leaders, creative
- Cultural communicators
- Public administration consultants
- Teachers and trainers in non-formal education in the field of entrepeneurship and cultural and creative activities
- Members/leaders of CSOs (civil society organizations), SMEs, Public authorities (e.g. local and regional government bodies)

Workshops and local creative actions
The target group will partcipate in local workshops and local creative actions. All will have the opportunity to follow the eLearning modules; and representatives from the target group will take part in the training of trainers (Learning, Teaching, Training Activities).
Reaching this group will be done by the networks of each partner organisation.
– estimated number of persons = 200.
The indirect (secondary) target group
Other participants that will be targeted by the activities organised by the project will benefit from these activities by hands-on learning for advocating and creating strategic actions for developing the post Covid-19 CCS and are primarily the indirect target group (secondary target group) which includes a.o. young individuals and organizations related to the direct target group of the project.

Key stakeholders
In this group will also be participants with fewer opportunities. This group of participants will function as key stakeholders and will be involved in dissemination activities, evaluation of outcomes, in reaching the target group.
Reaching this group will be done by the networks of each partner organisation. – estimated number of persons = 300.
Diversity of the workforce
The indirect target group for the project must build on studies and reasearch in the diversity of the CCS workforce, with a view to identify and tackle the main inequalities in the sector.
They must encourage the development of pledges mechanisms that promote gender equality and monitor their impact, and set up regular data collection on CCS.
Ensure proposed changes can be implemented
The indirect target group are those who work with development of the CCS – ranging from – Representatives from the cultural and creative industries in local communities who take interest in participating in the cultural planning process – Staff in the local administration systems in participant countries. Administrators of practice are critical to ensure that proposed changes can be implemented in cultural and industrial public services at all stages.

– Staff from educational institutions, ex. HEI, including individuals with local responsibility for post graduate training programs at all levels of the continuum – These individuals have high credibility as well as detailed knowledge of their own organizations and can be future beneficiaries of the eLearning materials in terms of trainees.

– Cultural institutional staff at practice levels, as directly interested in the competences of their employees. They also may provide financial and other resources. Managers responsible of Training Services will be interviewed in order to assess economic and political assumptions for the enhancement of the eLearning methodology, the rationale behind managers’ decisions, costs/benefits ratio, legal constraints and training requirements for rehabilitation professional profiles.

– And not least, youth who have interest in participating in CCS actions in the local community across the different sectors; e.g. green enviroment and creative ingenuity.
Long term project outcome
Long-term beneficiaries are certain groups that will benefit from the project outcomes on a long-term basis (benefit of the training programme after the project ends).
The dissemination plan indicates scanning activities to identify broader target groups with a potential interest in the results, so they will be targeted by the project’s dissemination as potential trainees after the end of the project. Estimated number of person = min. 60/year.