Project aims and outputs

Getting Young People and Young Adults Included and Engaged in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

The main project aims are to develop an open eLearning platform with course modules and resources on cultural mapping and citizen involvement. Further, the aim is to develop an eTool for cultural and creative sector mapping and strategic planning, which will involve a dialogue with the youth and adults regarding the future of their local place. Finally, the aim is to boost the knowledge and understanding of the importance of cultural mapping and planning to advance the cultural and creative sector (CCS) in the EU and the Member States.

This project aims are directly linked to the outputs of the project which are based on measurable success criteria, i.e. 1 CCS mapping and strategy in each partner locality (3-5 in all) which involves youth in creative actions to promote the cultural and creative field.

Thus, the core outputs/results of the project will be:

  • 1 e-learning platform
  • 3 online course modules and resources on cultural mapping and citizen involvement in community planning (cultural planning, creative entrepreneurship, global impact and facilitation)
  • 1 prototype eModel on cultural mapping
  • 3 cultural plannings – best practice for inspiration – from local and regional analysis of the CCS to strategy development
  • 3 local innovative participatory and intercultural dialogue approaches (concrete examples with young people taking part in the cultural and creative sectors
  • Dissemination materials – newsletters, leaflets, standard PPT – project presentation, press releases, articles in professional publications/elaborated in correspondence with project milestones/schedule/multiplier events.
  • A database of key project personnel/contacts, which can be updated as the project progresses will be provided

The activities are structured
in four Intellectual Outputs (IO)

IO 1

eLearning and ressource platform

The project work is the development and implementation of an innovative Learning Management System.

IO1 will result in the creation of an accessible LMS for both educators and other personnel, who support youth to develop and take part in the local CCS development.

It’s innovative value lies in the accessibility of the LMS and in developing increased compatibility with assistive technology – enabling cross-border transmission of new knowledge and praxis experiences for the various target groups.

The main goal of the e-learning platform is to give the users the possibility to share training materials, evaluate new knowledge and communicate with all involved parties.

Facilities: It will be based on an architecture that consists of the following core elements: A. Learning Management System (LMS Moodle); B. Trainee’s interactive e-learning environment.

The presentation system is adapted to include data connected to imaging, video files, graphs, interactive modelling. These adaptations will include test models for cultural mapping in partner locations.

The system will provide a feedback system by showing users similar cases and how to ‘arrive’ to and learn from them in a cost-effective way.

IO 2

eModel on cultural mapping and actions

From mapping to practical application.

The IO2 is about inspiring and competence development of existing – and establishing – new learning networks. It happens i.a. by creating a common overview (via mapping) as a basis for the development of local, regional and cross-border strategies, concepts and action plans within culture and creative industries.

The project initiates cultural mapping, planning methods and practices sourced internationally and in Denmark, see i.e. Thus, there is a need to create local overviews (surveys) to generate sufficient knowledge about the CCS across a region and cross-border.

This can i.a. take place through the exchange of new experience and methods via network collaborations, as access to locally based knowledge is gathered digitally.

The knowledge generated can then form the basis for the development of local, regional and cross-border strategies, concepts and action plans for i.a. tourism, culture and the creative industries.

This is complemented by knowledge and best practice in the field – drawn from universities and innovation environments in the nearby major cities and metropolises – as well as through attracting new creative entrepreneurs to the region.

IO 3

Resource platform: Cultural planning as driver of sustainable development

There is a huge need to initiate and create a resource platform for facilitators and young people who shall assist local actors (from civil society, enterprises, public sector, science and education) to stack creative projects on their feet in the CCS.

The idea being that the resource platform has an architecture that will make it accessible for external contributions and links.

In this project, specifically, we shall focus on how to develop the resource platform for educators and facilitators, who are engaged in supporting the development and integration of youth i.a. in the CCS sector. This includes youth with disabilities and from disadvantaged environments.

IO 4

Online courses and collective impact

Cultural Planning means thinking about a place from different perspectives and points of view.

It’s a creative way of identifying the distinctive characteristics of a place (urban and cultural DNA) and integrating such cultural resources (broadly defined) in local development plans. It is a method, not a blueprint.

It is delivered by putting together professionals such as architects, economists, artists, psychologists, planners, developers, together with community representatives and civic leaders, all contributing to a process of co-creation of innovative solutions responding to local challenges and/or aspirations.

Actors need to be more sensitive to the socio-cultural dynamics and potentials of place and to collaborative forms of governance.

This is why there is a need to train people to use the Cultural Planning method. To this end, the project has developed a series of eLearning modules.

Multiplier events

E1 – E3

Cultural planning as driver of sustainable development

The seminars will be the first multiplier event of five (in the partner countries), and will have two objectives:

  • Advocate cultural planning as a vital approach to create innovative renewal of the post Covid-19 culture and creative sectors (CCS) in local and regional communities by including youth, people with disadvantaged backgrounds and other actors from the civil society, enterprises, public bodies and not least education and research.

Present the CCS platform and eLearning courses as tools for adults and young people who will convey and facilitate creative actions to boost the CCS