ETCC Company’s Presentation

The ETCC is a training agency and project facilitator delivering cost-effective and efficient training seminars and project management/facilitation by utilizing the best located facilities and partner opportunities in Denmark and Europe.
European Training Centre Copenhagen is a cooperative established in Denmark, since 1987. With offices both in Greater Copenhagen and in Craiova (covering the Balkan regions), the ETCC focus is on offering state-of-the-art services that contribute to sustainable solutions in a local and global perspective.
The European Training Centre Copenhagen is organised as a network organisation cooperating with Danish and international key-specialists in order to ensure the most updated and best-practice based training on our seminars and workshops.
Henrik Haubro, CEO, Project Manager
Haubro is candidate of psychology and education from the University of Copenhagen, is also a certified teacher in special and adult education. Has worked with local, regional, national and international projects for many years. Among others, he has worked developing Moodle courses, especially related to vulnerable groups. Has worked with cultural planning in Interreg programmes for more than 20 years. Haubro is CEO for ETCC and president of its cooperative mother company Horisont-amba.
Henrik Sparre-Ulrich, Project Coordinator
Henrik Sparre-Ulrich is candidate of political science and has an MBA in international business administration. Has more of 25 years of experiences as project coordinator with various national and EU projects, development of strategic regional projects, annual project portfolio evaluation. Has worked with cultural planning activities and projects for the past 20 years. Henrik is CEO for Scanex Venture with the mission to help Danish start-up companies create strong US export relationships and to assist EU projects in the area of regional development as well as cultural mapping and -planning including creative enterprises.
This is promoted through
- Training and workshops: the ETCC offers hands-on training combined with policy development seminars and workshops-on-location
- Facilitators: the ETCC facilitates transfer of knowledge from best practices and regional developments in terms of income, wealth and opportunities through cooperation between institutions, research and enterprises at local, regional, interregional and transnational levels.
- Conferences: the ETCC organizes conferences on various themes
- National and European programmes: the ETCC works as leader or partner in many projects with both Danish and European partners
- Erasmus+ projects: the ETCC participates in educational projects and training activities in many Erasmus+ countries
Certified Social Enterprise
The ETCC is a social enterprise certified by the Danish Authorities and is member of the Danish Association of Social Entrepreneurs. The ETCC has it setup in DISIE, Danish Institute for Sustainable Innovation & Entrepreneurship, which supports and scales sustainable entrepreneurs and their business solutions by developing and providing online and offline tools, action-based knowledge and networks across Denmark
Contact info
Henrik Haubro, CEO, is Project Manager – contact:
Henrik Sparre-Ulrich is Intellectual Output Coordinator – contact: