Welcome to following our moodle eLearning and resource platform
Middle moodle courses (3 courses)
Situation description – statement.
Program areas (examples): Inclusion, resourses, diversity.
Mini moodle courses (many)
Minimum 1 course per middle course.
Concrete project or action plan.
eLearning for facilitators
Our moodle platform courses will follow a common course disposition, see link: Common course disposition
And the following guidelines: see link: Common guidelines
When you as a facilitator wish to start making your Moodle course we recommend that you acquire initial knowledge from this page: Managing a Moodle course.
The 3 moodle course levels
Meta Moodle
This project will develop 3 meta moodle courses. The product will be cultural mapping and planning in theory and praxis. The field will be visual arts and the locality the city of Bodø, Norway.

Middle Moodles
The project will develop 2-3 middle moodle courses. The products will be situation-description and/or statements. The topics will be respectively Inclusion, Creative entrepreneurship and innovation, Resources.
Mini Moodles
The mini moodle courses decided upon: a) i. EU project design and project circle management (ICDS) ii How to apply for EU-funding (ICSD) b) i. How to do self-branding. (How to help young people to self-brand and position themselves within CSS) (WTU) ii. How to organize an art event? (WTU).